onsdag den 9. oktober 2013

Phase 3 [P3] Constructing membranes

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Days through a year, where the phenomenons occur

Seeing fog as a mass

Being inside the fog makes you feel like being in a space with no boundaries

Seeing fog as a artificially landscape, which take shape of organic forms

Investigating simple joins and a structure, which is easy to assemble/ re-assemble, three layers from three phenomenons, makes the construction a three side skin system, which should be moveable according to weather conditions

Light analysis of phenomenon

Seeing the materiality of the phenomenon. Snow can both be solid and soft, here we shows it as colums made of plastro

Inside the columns you will find wood column, which we will draw parralels to the flash lightning, for its sharp edges.

Fog seems from the outside as a solid material, but being inside makes you feel like walking in soft materials, like clothes. Here we show it through fabrics

The three layers

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