torsdag den 14. februar 2013

P1.2- Who? What? Why? / constructing fiction

The script:

Imagine a different world is about a man, who works as a park ranger at the central park during daytime.
In his spare time he serves as a trusted member of Greenpeace activist, which he is highly dedicated to.
He has no family, but wife and children is in his plans for the future.
One day after coming home from work he decides to take a little walk around in the area while he want to do small buys at the local deli.
Right before he is at the deli, he sees a shocking sight.
Unemployed and in need of social free space and missing activities, an group of younger men is hanging at the corners outsides the delis, while they are graffiti-tagging the facades.
Trash is spreading all over the place and no one seems to care, which only makes this area of Williamsburg even more unwelcome.
Feed up with the way the young men behave, he starts to fantasy about a better Williamsburg to live in.
In his mind he starts to imagine how Williamsburg would become in the future. He develops a two sides imagination, one with Williamsburg and in its worst case after abusing the environment. The other side is his more green and urban side of Williamsburg and how the area could turn into a landscape and more precise a waste free city.
In his mind he pictures himself living in a urban jungle with buildings made of recycling materials, and plant growing upon the facades.
In his new Williamsburg there are a lot of socializing between the people and everybody thinks about the environment, while they are living a one with the nature.
Here he also starts to fantasy about the family, which he not yet has started.
But then a woman passing by in her car awakes him up from his dream, and he realizes he is back in reality and it only was a dream.

For a view of the finished project, which is revealed as a movie click above.

P1.1 Atlas/constructing an archive

P1- The Williamsburg trilogy/constructing a scenario