søndag den 23. marts 2014

P4-Material analysis

Materials planned to be used for the transformation has a lot to do with building, with the nature. Making a contrast to the existing structure, to reveal the existing tectonic potentials is another focus.
Mapping out materials suitable for the transformation are based on the qualities for materials according to the question of recycling, the possibility to be age along the existing old structure, lightweight structure, and to study the inside outside effect. Using alternative energy as an tool in the design, is another approach, which could be interesting to apply.

P4- Models and proces for individual focus

This model seek to study the meeting between the new structure and how it is fixed to the existing structure. As an ground rule, all joining are made on the existing load bearing structure.

This model seek to study the meeting between the new and old floors. Having the parasite cutting its way through the flooring, revealing visible marking of where the new joining are made. Going from the outside to inside, the parasite draw a trace of materials, indicating that you are inside, but reminded of your on you way outside.

P4- Individual focus and further work

onsdag den 19. marts 2014

P4- Further development of the ramps

Ramps are starting to penetrate the building

Failed test due to maximum stress in the hanging ramp

Ramps are being changed to more reasonable spand

tirsdag den 18. marts 2014

P4- Individual focus- How to create equal experiences between the courtyard and the forest

The interaction in the courtyard spreads to the whole complex

Visualization of activities in the courtyard, framed by the parasite as pulling the nature inside

Sectional investigation in how the nature can meet the parasite and the experience from the courtyard to the forest with connections and views