tirsdag den 29. oktober 2013

Process to M.O.3

DRawing conclusion from the previous phase

First step in development and testing the next probe for making a changeable structure

onsdag den 23. oktober 2013

Process in testing the probes

Making a changing structure based on modular connections

First step in finding a modular system

Structure converting into squares

Structure converting into triangles

Converting into a curved rectangular structure with triangles and joins in between

The modular system, which has several membranes

Converting into a cube, which allows light filtering to enter

Modular system developed in a larger scale


Fog on a structure

Projecting laserpointer through the fog

Video process

Making a fog machine

Making a fog machine

Making a fog machine

Testing dynamic light projection inside the box

Fog and light-fog in a box

Fog on a structure

Fog on a structure

Laserpointer through fog

tirsdag den 22. oktober 2013

[m.o. #3] Process

Probe 1- Fog in a box

Focus in this probe has been how to make boundaries in an endless space, through dynamic light projections.
The concept is to create walls and roofs inside the fog and how it reacts to the user presence.
Dry ice and a ventilator have been used for creating fog inside the box. By projecting light and colors through the fox, it created an interesting play with the barriers and frontiers, and a more human wall interaction.
Creating boundaries in space full of fog with colors is also an attempt to create interaction with architectural structures, and how it would react to the human, once the structure is projected through fog.
It is also about the making of a passage through the fog, where you will feel a bit disorientated and starts to look for navigation sign, which the colors and light will provide.
Making use of holography inside the box, is an attempt to create a specific space for the user, but in fact it is an illusion.

Preparing box to be lasercut

Building a 1:1 fog machine
Pictures shows how dynamic light projection can create boundaries inside a fog

Probe 2- Making of a structure for light, snow and fog filtering

Design is made in Rhino/Grasshoppers and a scripted curve is lofted, rotated, flattened, and added a grid. Through Rhino nest the shape is made more smooth.

Adding contour in Rhino nest allowing the shape to be sliced in many ways

A solid slice is chosen because its abstraction as a membrane, which covers it surroundings, just as fog. A more radial sliced shape is also made, because of the filtering, which allows light to enter and fog to pass through.

Assembled models, directly from the lasercutter

onsdag den 9. oktober 2013

Phase 3 [P3] Constructing membranes

Pin up 1


Days through a year, where the phenomenons occur

Seeing fog as a mass

Being inside the fog makes you feel like being in a space with no boundaries

Seeing fog as a artificially landscape, which take shape of organic forms

Investigating simple joins and a structure, which is easy to assemble/ re-assemble, three layers from three phenomenons, makes the construction a three side skin system, which should be moveable according to weather conditions

Light analysis of phenomenon

Seeing the materiality of the phenomenon. Snow can both be solid and soft, here we shows it as colums made of plastro

Inside the columns you will find wood column, which we will draw parralels to the flash lightning, for its sharp edges.

Fog seems from the outside as a solid material, but being inside makes you feel like walking in soft materials, like clothes. Here we show it through fabrics

The three layers